About 'nutrition children'|Research highlights key role grandmothers play in mother and child nutrition and health
It happens. First your child will simply not feel well. They may become a bit pale, maybe even shaky. A fever comes, out of nowhere. Next their stomach begins to hurt. An hour or so later they're running off to the bathroom and the vomiting begins. Stomach bugs can even come with diarrhea. Fortunately stomach bugs don't last long. The common stomach bug is easily passed around. School age children are the most susceptible because they are around so many other people at school. Stomach bugs love to spread through schools. Once one kid has it everyone is prone. The virus that causes the stomach bug is air born. This means it can be passed along through the air. This type of virus also likes to linger on hard surfaces such as pencils, tables, door handles, etc. Generally the stomach bug lasts twenty four to forty eight hours. It doesn't last long but when you're a sick child is lasts forever. When you're the parent of that sick child it really does seem like forever. Stomach bugs take a toll on families all across the world at least once or twice a year. No one is exempt. Once one child in the family has the stomach bug the rest are likely to get it as well. Children in the same home often share rooms, and toys, which means they'll also likely share the bug. So, here's an article that will help you care for you little ones when the stomach bug strikes. There are several ways to make your child feel better. There are also certain things that just should not be done. The first thing that you can do when your child comes down with the stomach bug is to assure them that it'll be okay. Let them know that everyone gets sick sometimes. Offer extra love and nurturing. Kids with the stomach bug do not feel well at all. We know what it feels like as adult to have the bug. Imagine that feeling in a child. Children often get scared while getting sick. Be right there with them, rub their little backs and let them know it's okay. This can't make the bug go away, no, but it can help to ease your child. Don't leave them alone to deal with it. Don't let your own squeamishness prevent you from being with your child when they need you the most. Next, have your child rest as much as possible. A child with the stomach bug shouldn't be up running around. Pop in a good movie and have your child lay on the couch with their pillow and blanket. Many kids will not want to lay on their beds. The couch is in the living room so they still feel like they are a part of what's going on in the home. Rest is needed to help your child's body recover from the bug. When your child has the stomach bug and a fever it's hard to keep the fever reducer down long enough to work. If you choose to give your child a fever reducer and they vomit it back up do not give it to them again. Doing this could overdose your child. It's best to try to treat fevers after your child has not vomited for more than one hour. Otherwise, use a cool cloth on the forehead to help bring the temperature down. The fever is there for a reason. The fever is trying to fight the bug. If your child's fever get's above one hundred and three and they are vomiting profusely call your doctor or go to the emergency room. Children with the stomach bug often become dehydrated due to the vomiting and diarrhea. Do not offer your child sports drinks. Many parents think that these will help but they really do not. Pedialite is the drink chosen by doctors for children with the stomach bug who are becoming dehydrated. Otherwise small sips of water or a clear juice are the way to go. Remember to tell your child to take small sips only. Too much in the belly too quickly may result in more vomiting. Once your child has not vomited for more than one hour it is okay to let them eat if they feel up to it. Do offer bland foods like toast, applesauce, rice, etc. Do not offer junk or spicy food as these will result in further stomach upset. Small amounts should be served until your child has passed the vomiting stage of the bug. Remember, nutrition counts. As you build your child's diet back up offer healthy food items that will help to restore their health. Getting the stomach bug is never fun. Having a child with the stomach bug is just simply terrible. There are things you can do to help to ease your child and to make them feel better. There are also things that should not be done. Hope your child feels better soon! Thanks for reading and take care! |
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...minimally processed whole foods as essential to a developing child. We support educational and food service initiatives that foster a healthy, enjoyable...
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