레이블이 Vegetables High in Vitamins인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Vegetables High in Vitamins인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'vitamins in fruits and vegetables'|.... The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and phyto-nutrients in each of these is...People who drink a glass of either fruit or vegetable juice each day are less...

About 'vitamins in fruits and vegetables'|.... The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and phyto-nutrients in each of these is...People who drink a glass of either fruit or vegetable juice each day are less...

Does               eating               more               fruits               and               vegetables               reduce               the               duration               of               a               cold?

According               to               a               new               study               from               Germany,               the               vitamins               and               antioxidants               in               fruits               and               vegetables               may               shorten               cold               duration               -               and               make               the               "sniffles               and               sneezes"               a               little               easier               to               deal               with.

Eating               More               Fruits               and               Vegetables:               Does               It               Shorten               Cold               Duration?
               German               researchers               gave               263               people,               mostly               women,               either               supplements               of               a               fruit               and               vegetable               concentrate,               or               a               placebo               each               day               for               eight               months.

At               the               same               time,               they               closely               followed               them               for               any               signs               and               symptoms               of               a               cold.
               What               did               they               find?

The               group               who               took               the               daily               fruit               and               vegetable               concentrate               didn't               experience               fewer               colds,               but               when               they               did               develop               cold               symptoms,               the               duration               of               the               symptoms               was               reduced               by               about               twenty-percent               -               allowing               the               participants               to               get               back               to               work               a               little               faster.
               Eating               More               Fruits               and               Vegetables               vs.

Fruit               and               Vegetable               Supplements
               In               this               study,               the               participants               used               a               fruit               and               vegetable               concentrate               called               Juice               Plus,               which               contained               a               variety               of               fruits               and               vegetables               in               very               concentrated               form.

Chances               are               you'd               have               to               eat               a               lot               of               fruits               and               vegetables               to               have               the               same               benefits               as               this               veggie               and               fruit-rich               supplement.
               Why               Would               a               Fruit               and               Vegetable               Concentrate               Shorten               Cold               Duration?
               Could               it               be               vitamin               C               in               the               fruit               and               vegetable               concentrate               working               its               magic               on               the               common               cold?

Despite               what               Linus               Pauling               believed,               there's               little               evidence               that               vitamin               C               prevents               or               shortens               the               duration               of               a               cold               when               it's               used               as               a               stand-alone               supplement.
               On               the               other               hand,               when               vitamin               C               interacts               with               the               other               antioxidants               found               in               fruits               and               vegetables,               the               benefits               may               be               greater.

Some               of               the               natural               compounds               found               in               fruits               and               vegetables               help               the               immune               system               function               better,               which               could               play               a               role               in               limiting               the               duration               of               a               cold.
               Eating               More               Fruits               and               Vegetables               for               Cold               Symptoms:               The               Bottom               Line?
               This               study               was               done               on               a               small               population               of               mostly               women,               so               it's               hard               to               draw               any               solid               conclusions.

Whether               eating               more               fruits               and               vegetables               or               taking               a               fruit               and               veggie               supplement               can               alter               the               course               of               the               common               cold               remains               to               be               seen.
               On               the               other               hand,               fruits               and               vegetables               help               the               immune               system               function               better               -               and               all               of               those               vitamins,               minerals,               antioxidants,               and               fiber               have               health               benefits               regardless               of               their               impact               on               the               cold               virus.

So               if               you               want               to               stay               healthy,               eat               more               antioxidant-rich               fruits               and               vegetables.

"Fruit               and               vegetable               concentrate               may               reduce               cold               symptoms"

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vitamins in fruits and vegetables

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vitamins in fruits and vegetables

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