레이블이 Multivitamin without Minerals인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Multivitamin without Minerals인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'vitamins with minerals'|Vitamins & Minerals Lost with an Ileostomy Proves Deadly

About 'vitamins with minerals'|Vitamins & Minerals Lost with an Ileostomy Proves Deadly

Most               of               us               want               beautiful               hair               but               keeping               your               hair               healthy               and               beautiful               can               be               quite               a               challenge.

You               must               style               your               hair,               treat               it               to               keep               it               healthy,               protect               it               from               the               elements,               and               eat               the               right               things               to               keep               it               healthy.

A               lot               of               how               healthy               your               hair               is               depends               on               what               goes               in               to               your               body,               and               the               best               way               to               assure               that               you               are               getting               the               right               nutrients               is               to               make               sure               you               are               eating               the               right               foods.

Here               is               a               listing               of               the               best               vitamins               and               minerals               that               you               should               eat               for               healthy               and               beauiful               hair,               and               also               what               foods               are               good               sources               of               those               particular               vitamins               and               minerals.
               Vitamins               B12,               B6,               Folate               and               Biotin
               Vitamin               B               is               critical               for               healthy               hair,               it               helps               to               create               red               blood               cells.

Red               blood               cells               are               responsible               for               carrying               oxygen               and               nutrients               to               all               the               cells               in               the               body.

The               cells               would               literally               starve               without               vitamin               B.

Biotin               is               also               a               form               of               vitamin               B.
               Where               Vitamin               Bs               and               Folate               Can               Be               Found
               There               are               a               nice               variety               of               vegetables               that               provide               vitamin               B               such               as:               peppers,               sweet               potatoes,               winter               squash,               broccoli,               broccoli               raab,               carrots,               and               Brussels               sprouts.

It               can               also               be               found               in               some               fruits               such               as:               bananas,               apricots,               watermelon,               and               strawberries.

They               can               also               be               found               in               some               meats               such               as:               lean               beef,               pork               tenderloin,               and               chicken               breast               as               well               as               other               proteins               like               tofu,               eggs,               crab,               oysters,               trout,               tuna,               salmon,               and               shrimp.

As               well               as               diary               items               such               as:               cottage               cheese,               cheese,               eggs,               low               fat               yogurt,               and               low               fat               milk               as               well               as               low               fat               soy               milk.
               Other               ways               to               get               B               vitamins               and               folate               are:               Fortified               whole               grain               cereals,               lentils,               black               eyed               peas,               soy               beans,               turnip               greens,               sunflower               seeds               wheat               germ,               kidney               beans,               pinto               beans               garbanzo               beans,               navy               beans,               sunflower               seeds,               Chinese               cabbage,               corn,               whole               grain               breads               and               pastas.
               Iron               and               protein
               Iron               helps               red               blood               cells               carry               oxygen               to               cells,               and               protein               is               essential               to               all               cell               growth.

Most               people               who               are               not               vegetarians               will               get               enough               protein               in               their               normal               diet               but               may               not               get               enough               iron.

Those               who               are               vegetarians               will               need               to               make               sure               that               they               vegetables               and               other               foods               that               are               high               in               iron               but               are               not               meat               based               such               as,               spinach,               fortified               whole               grain               cereals,               tofu,               soybeans,               lentils,               Swiss               chard,               asparagus,               lentils,               beans,               and               black               eyed               peas,               asparagus,               broccoli,               kale,               mustard               greens,               and               Brussels               sprouts.
               Vitamin               C
               Vitamin               C               is               used               to               help               build               collagen.

Collagen               is               a               structural               fiber               that               helps,               to               keep               hair               follicles,               blood               vessels,               and               skin               to               stay               healthy.
               How               to               Get               Vitamin               C
               Grapefruits,               tangerines,               lemons,               Clementine's,               strawberries,               mangos,               watermelon               and               black               berries,               Guava,               kiwi,               cantaloupe,               pineapples,               white               potatoes               with               skin,               snow               peas,               sugar               snap               peas,               Chinese               cabbage,               summer               squash,               cherry               tomatoes,               mustard               greens,               cauliflower,               kohlrabi,               kale,               broccoli,               Brussels               sprouts,               kidney               beans,               bell               peppers,               and               chili               peppers.
               Beta               Carotene
               Beta               Carotene               is               converted               in               to               Vitamin               A               when               it               gets               in               to               our               bodies.

Vitamin               A               is               essential               to               helping               cell               growth               and               that               includes               the               cells               of               the               scalp               and               hair.

Too               much               vitamin               A               can               be               detrimental               though               so               Vitamin               A               should               be               received               in               to               the               body               through               food               sources               rather               than               supplementation.
               How               to               Get               Beta               Carotene               (Vitamin               A)
               Butternut               squash,               apricots,               cantaloupe,               red               bell               peppers,               mustard               greens,               pumpkin               turnip               greens,               spinach,               lettuce,               collard               greens,               Swiss               Chard,               grapefruit,               cherries,               mangoes,               tomatoes,               guava,               tomatoes,               carrots,               sweet               potatoes               and               asparagus.
               Eating               these               foods               will               certainly               help               you               to               keep               your               hair               nice               and               healthy               but               other               factors               such               as               what               kind               of               hair               you               have               inherited,               and               environmental               issues               can               help               or               hurt               the               beauty               of               your               hair               too.

Not               much               you               can               do               about               heredity,               but               be               sure               to               protect               your               hair               from               the               wind,               and               from               the               sun.

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