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레이블이 Minerals Nutrition Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'nutrition mineral'|Equine Performance Minerals Best of Show - Equine Mineral Nutrition

About 'nutrition mineral'|Equine Performance Minerals Best of Show - Equine Mineral Nutrition

If               you               are               an               owner               or               breeder               of               small               birds,               it's               important               to               learn               the               basic               nutrition               information               for               breeding               birds.

Breeding               birds               requires               a               special               diet               to               keep               them               healthy               and               to               prevent               egg               binding               in               the               hens.

Healthy               bird               diets               are               important               for               chicks               to               be               born               healthy               and               free               from               complications.

A               proper               diet               can               not               begin               as               soon               as               the               eggs               are               laid.

The               proper               breeding               diet               needs               to               begin               well               before               the               first               egg               is               ever               laid               to               keep               all               breeding               birds               healthy.

Basic               Nutrition               Information
               Although               small               birds               can               successfully               breed               on               a               seed               diet,               the               hen               and               offspring               are               more               susceptible               to               disease               and               illness.

Seed               diets               cause               the               offspring               to               grow               and               develop               slowly;               therefore,               it's               vital               to               provide               the               hen               with               adequate               nutrition               prior               to               breeding.

Seeds               should               be               offered               along               with               green               vegetables               and               whole               grains,               such               as               bread.

Breeding               birds               require               a               high               formulated               diet               to               raise               their               young.

The               offspring               will               grow               better               after               hatching               if               greens               and               grains               are               fed               to               the               hens.
               Calcium               and               Mineral               Blocks
               Hens               need               an               adequate               supply               of               calcium               prior               to               breeding               or               they               can               suffer               from               egg               binding,               which               results               in               death               if               left               untreated.

Bird               diets               need               to               include               a               cuttle               bone               and               mineral               block               to               provide               the               hen               with               the               calcium               and               minerals               she               needs               to               lay               healthy               eggs               with               strong               shells.
               It's               also               a               great               idea               to               provide               the               hen               with               a               high               protein               food.

High               protein               foods               that               contain               crushed               egg               shells               can               be               purchased               at               most               pet               stores.

The               food               is               very               important               to               provide               to               breeding               birds               because               birds               also               require               Vitamin               D3               to               absorb               the               calcium.

Most               often               Vitamin               D3               is               achieved               through               sunlight               but               it               can               also               be               provided               to               the               breeding               birds               as               a               supplement.
               Protein               should               be               made               available               to               breeding               birds               prior               to               breeding               season.

Great               protein               sources               for               birds               breeding               are               mealworms               and               shelled               hemp               seeds.

Shelled               hemp               seeds               are               balanced               with               the               proteins,               fats,               vitamins,               and               enzymes               breeding               birds               require.

Offering               protein               prior               to               breeding               season               will               assist               bringing               your               bird               into               breeding               by               altering               hormone               levels               needed               for               a               successful               breeding               season.
               It's               important               to               follow               the               basic               nutrition               information               needed               for               small               breeding               birds               because               if               nutrition               levels               are               inadequate               serious               complications               can               occur.

With               strictly               seed               diets               gout               is               likely               to               occur               with               breeding               birds,               as               well               as               egg               binding.

For               healthy               offspring               seeds               should               not               be               the               only               constancy               in               the               hens               diet.

Healthy               bird               diets               will               reduce               the               risk               of               soft               egg               shells,               egg               binding,               and               ill               offspring.
               "Canary,               Finch,               Small               Bird               Diets"               AvianWeb.com
               "Breeding               Lovebirds"               ParrotParrot.com
               "Formulated               Bird               Diet"               VeterinaryPracticeNews.com

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