About 'calories in vitamins'|...about this by now, but vitamin D may reduce your risk...like that found in oatmeal and bananas...often try to limit my calories. And speaking...
It seems that Americans eat too much food for their own good. Not only is the rate of obesity on the rise, but the incidence of type 2 diabetes has never been higher. Now, a new study in monkeys shows that restricting calories can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases as well as help to prolong life. Could calorie restriction help humans live longer too? Calorie Restriction to Prolong Life The concept of calorie restriction is nothing new. In fact, there's even a society devoted to it known as the Caloric Restriction Society. This group made up of a group of enthusiastic "calorie restricters" who help to sponsor and promote research into the benefits of a reduced calorie diet They were even recently featured on the Oprah Winfrey show where they espoused their views on the importance of restricting calories. Previous studies have demonstrated the benefits of reducing calories in a wide range of species from fruit flies and spiders to dogs and cats. Now, it appears that calorie restriction can help to prolong life in monkeys. Calorie Restriction to Prolong Life: The Study This new study, published in the journal Science, showed that eighty percent of rhesus monkeys who ate a nutritionally sound, calorie restricted diet were alive after twenty years compared to only fifty percent of monkeys who ate without restriction. The group of calorie restricted monkey had their calorie counts cut by thirty percent. A calorie restricted diet not only appeared to prolong life in this population of monkeys, but also reduced the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The restricted monkeys appeared to have better brain health and none of the calorie restricted animals developed diabetes during the study period, in contrast to the group that ate freely. This study is particularly compelling since monkeys are very similar in physiological make up to the human species, suggesting that calorie restriction could be used to prolong life in humans. It doesn't appear, at least in monkeys, that calorie restriction needs to be started at a young age to prolong life. Some of the monkeys were middle-aged at the beginning of the study and still achieved benefits. It's important to note that although the monkeys had their total calories reduced by thirty percent, they still ate a nutritionally sound diet. There's no evidence that restricting important nutrients helps to prolong life or reduce the risk of chronic disease. Calorie Restriction to Prolong Life in Humans Could calorie restriction be a way to prolong life in humans? While it seems to be of benefit in other species tested, little research has been done on humans. These studies also raise the question of how many people will be willing to cut their calorie intake by thirty percent in the hopes of living longer? Cutting calories by thirty a third while still getting necessary vitamins and nutrients could be a challenge for some people. Practicing calorie restriction to prolong life would certainly mean fewer trips to McDonald's and Hardees. Whether Americans are ready for such as drastic lifestyle change remains to be seen. |
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